Welcome to St James' C.E Primary School
The primary years of education are crucial to all children’s development and at St James' we firmly believe in developing each individual child in partnership with you, the parents. Thank you for your interest in our school and we would be delighted to welcome you and your children and show you some of the excellent work that goes on here.St James' School caters for children between the ages of 4 and 11, Reception to year 6.
The school is a small, happy and lively place with a homely feel. The extensive grounds surrounding the school building equipped with wooden adventure play area, picnic tables, a pond, Forest Schools area, wildlife areas and allotment, take full advantage of the glorious location in which it sits, close to the beautiful south downs.
St James' School and Amberley School
In January 2005 a collaboration between our two schools was formed. This means that the schools share an Executive Head Teacher who shares her time equally between the two. The positive benefits of the collaboration have been to preserve the atmosphere and ethos of the village school whilst broadening educational opportunities and experiences for each child. We also benefit by sharing resources, capitalising on staff expertise and joint pupil activities.
This is what we value in our schools:
At St James' and Amberley Schools we understand the importance of every day in each child's life and we believe that all our children have the right to the best possible learning experiences during their time with us.
At our schools children, teachers and parents know that there are high expectations of them in all aspects of school life. We are committed to an exciting curriculum that interests, includes and engages all the children and we know that learning must be enjoyable.
Our Christian ethos encourages kind, thoughtful, responsible behaviour and within a supportive community like ours everyone's contribution is valued.
Safeguarding of children in our care: A Shared Objective
Staff, governors and volunteers at St James' School share an objective and are committed to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to: - providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn in education settings,
- identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in the education setting.This is what some of the children say about our school:
"The children in our school help each other when in need."
"We are all united by the roof above our heads!"
"We think this is the best school in the Universe!"
"It's a small school with the best teachers in the world."
"The children are very well behaved in class."
"In my opinion this school is the best school in the world! Our school is creative and fun and the teachers make sure that everyone makes new friends."