Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary Life at St James C of E Primary


We are proud to work with Chartwells for your children’s school dinners. Chartwells believe that the key to fuelling young minds comes from understanding both what they need and what they enjoy, which is why they develop nutritious and delicious food that pupils love, alongside helping to ensure a healthy body and mind.

You can order meals in advance at  For support from the West Sussex team, email

The menu and other Chartwells West Sussex information can be found here: West Sussex | Chartwells the link takes you directly to the West Sussex page, just scroll down for all the information.

For children with food intolerances and allergies, Chartwells West Sussex have a dedicated team and a medical diet nutritionist on hand to support allergen children and their parents.

For more information and support, email the team:

From September 2014, all Reception and Key Stage 1 pupils are eligible for Universal Free School Meals.

Meals for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 cost £3.09 a day.


The current Chartwells menu is available at this link; PowerPoint Presentation


Packed lunches - We have a healthy eating policy at the school and would ask that you do not include sweets or fizzy drinks in your children's lunchbox. We are also a nut aware school due to allergy sufferers, therefore please ask that you do not include any nut products in your child's lunchbox.

For Healthy eating tips visit the 'Change 4 life' website here.

During warm weather it is advisable to include an ice pack to keep food fresh until lunchtime.

Snacks - Reception, Yr 1 & 2 are supplied with a free break time snack of fruit or vegetables. For Years 3,4,5 & 6 we ask you to provide your child with a healthy fruit or vegetable snack.

Eligibility for Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of benefits (click here for list) you can apply for free school meals and your child's school will receive a Pupil Premium grant to support your child's education. The grant is currently £1300 per eligible primary pupil. This applies even if your child is currently receiving Universal Free School Meal in Reception or Key Stage One.
To claim please visit the following webpage to obtain an application form or please ask for one at the School Office.







Website by Greenhouse School Websites