Pupil Premium
Raising Attainment for All Vision Statement
The Pupil Premium
We aim to secure the best possible attainment and achievement for every child. For children vulnerable to underachievement, this means giving targeted support to address their identified barriers to learning.
Pupil Premium is provided to all maintained schools. The funding is allocated for pupils who are or have been eligible for free school meals, and for those who are or have been in the care of the local authority.
We recognise that not all children who have barriers to learning are eligible for the pupil premium. We also know that higher-attaining eligible pupils can be equally vulnerable to under-achievement by the time they take their GCSEs. We therefore believe it is right to deploy this funding in a way that benefits all children, as well as enabling those underachieving to catch up with their peers.
In line with the latest guidance from the Education Endowment Foundation, we use a tiered approach to spending the funding:
- Tier One: Teaching (ensuring that all teachers are supported with high quality CPD)
- Tier Two: Targeted academic support (planned interventions for small groups and individuals from teachers or TAs to help close attainment gaps)
- Tier Three: Wider strategies (increasing school-readiness, resilience and life experiences through the funding of extra-curricular activities and pastoral support).
Please click here to read our Pupil Premium Policy.
Please click here to read our Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2025
If you have any questions about pupil premium, please contact the school office, who will put you in touch with the best person to help you.